Went Peninsula with Clement, Joshua, Kelvin and Jon today. Supposedly Clement wanted to buy a guitar but ended up the shop is closed because of Deepavali =.= I mean why would Chinese wan to close shop today for the sake of Deepavali when the Malays and Indians are actually still opening their shops and doing business~ LOL no offence~ HAHA
So we went town straight after Peninsula, walked aimlessly around the town, having nothing to buy and nothing that interest us. Well so we decided to slack at McCafe at Lido~~ Its time to take pics again and everyone was trying to post a 'Silent Jealousy' pose LOL

After slacking away the whole day, Joshua went to meet his frens and Jon went to work. Left Clement and Kelvin and me, we went Cine to catch Tropic Thunder. People, you should watch that show although its quite lame at times but the whole show is definitely hilarious throughout~ HAHA TRUST ME AND SPEND THE 10 BUCKS ON THIS SHOW~ =D
No plans for tomorrow, no ideas where to go or what to do but I guess it would be better for me to stay home, I had been spending money like nobody's business! I'm gonna be broke~~! =(
Have you guys have the feeling of rushing home just to see someone online so much? Most ironically is that you haven even see he/she before and yet to even have his/her contact no. I just had this feeling these days and each time when I'm out, I would keep wondering if shes online anot but ended up many times disappointed cause she wasn't online =( Well just some random thinking lol anyway gotta get a new digital camera soon, though i still haven really got over my old one that was lost on the cab but well I'm getting the same model again =D
Cya guys, anyway Apple if you do wan to go the Thai Disco, give me a call as I'm free these few days =) and last of all, my replies for your comments in the chat box will be in the same post as yours because mine is not chatter box~ =)